 Our Mission
Christians On Net is an online project which provides free internet
services to the Christian community. It provides an opportunity for our
members to serve our Lord and glorify His name through the internet.
Our ServicesAt this time, due to limited resources, we can only
provide the following for Christians. - Web hosting
- Email services
with email virus/SPAM filtering
- with online
- with group e-mail list
can use our services?Any Christian individuals,
groups and organizations can use our services for free upon approval by core
members. Anyone interested in participating is welcome to contact us for
details. People behind the ProjectThe
project is supported and maintained by its members. Members are volunteers
who dedicate their time to the project as a way to serve our Lord. We have
three types of members in this project : core members, advisors, members.
Please read the membership page for detail
Statement of Faith
Here is what we believe in - the Statement of Faith.
- There is one God, who is infinitely perfect,
existing eternally in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
- Jesus Christ is true God and true man. He was
conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary. He died on the
cross as a substitutionary sacrifice. He bodily arose from the dead. His
second coming is imminent and will be personal and visible.
- The Holy Spirit is a divine Person, sent
to convict the world, to
regenerate the believing sinners, and to indwell and empower believers for
godly living and service.
- The Old and New Testaments, inerrant as originally
given, were verbally inspired by God and are a complete revelation of His
will for the salvation of people. They constitute the divine and only rule
of Christian faith and practice.
- Mankind, originally created in the image and
likeness of God, fell through disobedience, thereby incurring both
physical and spiritual death. All people are born with a sinful nature,
are separated from the life of God, and can be justified and saved only
through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. There shall be a bodily
resurrection of the just to eternal life and of the unjust to eternal
- The universal Church is one body, consisting of
those regenerated by the Holy Spirit and of which Christ is the Head,
expressing itself in worship, fellowship, evangelism, service, and
observance of the ordinances of Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.